It’s no secret that energy costs can make a huge difference in the bottom line for any property. Whether you own residential properties, manage multifamily complexes, or maintain commercial buildings, understanding your state’s energy costs is essential for budgeting and striking an optimal balance between comfort and utility bills. But how do states stack up against each other when it comes to such outlays? In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences in utilities costs for Georgia so you can determine if strategies like solar arrays or LED lighting could help save money on your next project!

According to recent energy consumption surveys, energy use across the United States has been consistently increasing - with Montana being the only exception. As energy consumption continues to climb in other states, commercial light sources such as outdoor lighting and led lighting remain a great opportunity for sustainability. By upgrading to green lighting and focusing on energy efficiency, businesses and organizations can not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also help contribute to state-level efforts for an increase in sustainability measures. The switch to green lighting may look overwhelming from the outside looking in but Green Property Advisors can help you navigate the many resources and options available to make this transition easier than you’d expect.
Green Property Advisors are at the forefront of providing green and sustainable solutions for commercial properties. Not only will they expertly install LED lighting, which is an energy efficient alternative to traditional lighting, they can also enhance water and HVAC systems enabling buildings to become greener and more cost-effective. Additionally, they provide installation services for electric vehicle charging stations – giving property owners a great way to stay ahead of the curve as society continues to focus on sustainability.

With Georgia ranking 4th highest in state energy costs (an increase of 21.6% from 2021 to 2022), businesses are no doubt looking for ways to lower their costs. Investing in LED Lighting can bring energy savings of up to 80-90% from traditional lighting solutions. Additionally, led lights can help reduce the strain on efficiency — these bulbs have a greater lifespan than their traditional counterparts and require little maintenance outside of an occasional cleaning. As businesses strive for sustainability and green lighting options, led lighting is a terrific choice not only financially but also in terms of reducing your carbon footprint. Not just indoors — led lighting can be deployed in commercial outdoor lighting, too. So there you have it: led lighting provides substantial savings while increasing sustainability — two birds with one elegant stone!
The United States has been struggling with unpredictable and often dramatic increases in energy costs for businesses and residences across the country. These hikes show no signs of slowing down or becoming more manageable, which is why it’s more important than ever to make your business or property sustainable. Green Property Advisors can help you do this in the most efficient way possible so that you can save money and conserve resources at the same time. Check out our Green Loan Program, and we can also help you qualify for a City of Atlanta Grant depending on where your business is located.
Transform your property and save money today with Green Property Advisors – the go-to choice for green and sustainable living!
You’ll be glad you did when you see how much money you start saving on your energy bills.